
Windfarms ?

Windfarms ?  

Another example that the energy auto-sufficience it´s possible..

The Island of Samsø, in the east coast of Denmark, provides to the 100 % of its energy needs by sustainable and renewable energy. The important thing, in my opinion, ist that in this case there is also a community aspect. In fact, almost every citizen of the island is involved or has interests in this business. You will say: " ok, but they have a great potential in using wind as a source of renewable energy" well, that´s partially right ( 75% of the energy production comes from wind turbines ), but they also use another large amount of others " sustainable energies" as biogas plants ( 21 % ), solar cell plants ( 1 % ), and farm-based biogas ( 2 % ). The social aspect of this project, which  it´s probably the most important, is that every householder of the island takes part in the growing of this project by being a partner ( economic or by installing a wind turbine in his own courtyard ). Probably that is the only way that we can grow with good energy education , just by getting involved and taking part of what can even be a great business, not only for the single citizens but for the entire community.

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