

I want a

I want a

I want a Treehouse!


Interesting architecture don´t you think? Ist his the future? Will we live in treehouses, as our ancestors? Hope there will still be trees in the future....

Because Mitchell Joachim from the Mit Media Lab, in the USA propose to build a house not on a tree, but out of a tree.. The idea is to "guide" the tree so it can grow up in a way that it can be a house for a family. Do you see any problem? Ecologically correct, responsable, comfortable.. this project has all the good characteristics to be consider as the the future of sustainable building. Just a moment.. is not ready yet.. THis house needs decades to be build.. but that is not the problem. The real problem is that if everyone wants one of this houses, I have to change my job!!!

Torres solares

Torres solares  

Una Torre Solar se instalará en España.

Pero de que se trata? El concepto, ya desarrolado hace algunos años por unos técnicos alemanes y propuesto también en Australia, se basa en un principio muy simple.. El aire, que pasa por debajo de la cobertura en material transparente que veis en la foto de arriba, se calienta y entra en en la torre aumentando su velocidad. Al pasar por una turbina colocada en la base ( o en su tope ) de esta torre, genera energia. Este principio estaba ya muy conocido; en Australia hace unos años se queria implantar una de esta torres, pero es la primera vez que se considera verdaderamente su construcción. En España lo hará la Empresa Campo 3 en Fuente el Fresno, Ciudad Real. Esta enorme torre podrá generar 40 megawatios de electricidad al año cuya producción energética ahorraría unos 140.000 barriles de petróleo y evitaría la emisión de 75.000 toneladas anuales de dióxido de carbono. Además, junto a la torre se explotará un invernadero de 250 hectáreas.

 Veremos por fin chimeneas y torres que no emiten sustancias tóxicas y contaminación para producir energia...?

Urban hydroponics models

Urban hydroponics models  


Recently in the net I´ve found some interesting studies, projects and publications about an interesting topic which will have enormous echo in the future.. The vertical farms..

What is exactly a vertical farm? Why building it? And of course.. It is possible and economically convenient?

Probably the answers are still to find, but in the meanwhile architects, designers, ecologists start to thinking something new..

The Living Tower, by Pierre Sartoux, it´s one example of this studies as well as The Vertical Farm Project, which presents a variety of solutions explaning the possibilities and viability of the projects. In this case there is only one problem...Who will deal with such a big investment? The  possible investors proposed are big food companies or international corporations which already have a monopoly on this market...

Wouldn´t be a good idea to create a Social Network of citizens, ( every one of them with his little piece of garden in the center of Manhattan ) and groups of  small companies with the intent of creating a joint-venture with thousands of  members and the aim to invest in the future?

In dodici comode rate....

In dodici comode rate....



Perché nei volantini pubblicitari che mi intasano la cassetta della posta, non trovo mai scritto quanto consuma un apparecchio elettrico??.. La risposta la sapete giá benissimo.. perché altrimenti non si venderebbero! In un articolo del 2  Novembre 2007 de " Il Sole 24"  si riportano i risultati di uno studio sui costi  energetici di utilizzo eseguito su 40 apparecchi. Il sunto? Costi annui di gestione del solo televisore a schermo piatto, dai 50 ai 100 euro in bolletta, a seconda dei modelli..  In poche parole, in dieci anni ti paghi un altro televisore con quello che spendi di energia elettrica per farlo funzionare! Speriamo almeno che tra dieci anni mi mandino la pubblicitá per mail anziché riempirmi la cassetta...

Windfarms ?

Windfarms ?  

Another example that the energy auto-sufficience it´s possible..

The Island of Samsø, in the east coast of Denmark, provides to the 100 % of its energy needs by sustainable and renewable energy. The important thing, in my opinion, ist that in this case there is also a community aspect. In fact, almost every citizen of the island is involved or has interests in this business. You will say: " ok, but they have a great potential in using wind as a source of renewable energy" well, that´s partially right ( 75% of the energy production comes from wind turbines ), but they also use another large amount of others " sustainable energies" as biogas plants ( 21 % ), solar cell plants ( 1 % ), and farm-based biogas ( 2 % ). The social aspect of this project, which  it´s probably the most important, is that every householder of the island takes part in the growing of this project by being a partner ( economic or by installing a wind turbine in his own courtyard ). Probably that is the only way that we can grow with good energy education , just by getting involved and taking part of what can even be a great business, not only for the single citizens but for the entire community.

Parques eco-industriales

La idea de aplicar principios de sostenibilidad al apartado "productivo" o industrial deberia hacerse más a menudo.. de hecho algunos ejemplos como el de Kalendborg o Herning y Ikast, ciudades de Dinamarca que han apostado por ello, lo demuestran. Lo que creo interesante es no sólo recuperar las zonas industriales existentes con una visión "ecológica" sino apostar por crear redes industriales, como las de estos dos ejemplos de Dinamarca, donde, aunque las industrias mismas no sean lo más adecuado para el ambiente ( se trata de fábricas farmaceuticas, refinadoras petróliferas y productores de yeso ) se ha intentado crear entre ellas una red que consiga el aprovechamiento de los residuos de la producción como materias primas de otra fábrica. Vamos, que los desechos de una, se convierten en la materia prima de otra.
Otro ejemplo de que la puesta en marcha de proyectos basados en redes industriales puede crear ciclos que aprovechen al máximo todos los aportes energéticos y no se limiten a crear un producto y sus desechos de producción..